Exercise Equipment For Everyone

As a personal trainer, one of the most common questions I receive from clients is, "What exercise equipment should I get for my home?" While having equipment readily available can be convenient, I have also encountered clients who invest in expensive equipment only to use it a handful of times before it becomes a glorified clothes hanger. So why does this happen, and what can be done to prevent it?

First and foremost, it's important to consider the client's individual fitness goals and needs before recommending any equipment. Some clients may be looking to build strength, while others may want to improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, factors such as space availability and budget must also be taken into consideration.

Once equipment has been recommended and purchased, it's crucial for the client to have a clear plan in place for how and when they will use it. Many clients make the mistake of thinking that simply having equipment at home will automatically lead to more workouts, but this is often not the case. Without a specific plan and routine in place, it's easy for the equipment to go unused.

Another issue that can contribute to unused equipment is lack of motivation. While having equipment at home can be convenient, it also removes the accountability and social support that comes with attending a gym or working with a personal trainer. Clients may find it harder to stay motivated and consistent with their workouts when they are alone in their home environment.

To combat this, I often recommend scheduling workouts and treating them as non-negotiable appointments with oneself. Just as one wouldn't cancel a meeting with a coworker or friend, clients should prioritize their workouts and treat them with the same level of importance.

Another helpful strategy is to enlist the support of a friend or family member to workout together. This not only provides accountability but also makes the workout more enjoyable and social.

Finally, it's important to remember that equipment is just one piece of the fitness puzzle. Nutrition, sleep, and stress management all play a crucial role in overall health and wellness. Encouraging clients to focus on these areas as well can lead to greater success in achieving their fitness goals and ultimately lead to a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

In conclusion, recommending exercise equipment to clients can be helpful in certain situations, but it's important to consider individual needs and goals before making any recommendations. Additionally, it's crucial to have a plan and routine in place for how and when the equipment will be used, and to address issues such as motivation and accountability. By taking a holistic approach to fitness and focusing on nutrition, sleep, and stress management as well, clients can set themselves up for long-term success and a healthier lifestyle.


I Want To Be Like Mike


Juggling Your Life to Make Time for Exercise and Balanced Eating